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8 simple steps to keep your bones healthy

Think about how much you rely on your bones every day! They enable you to walk and stand, as well as when you need to jump. But without them, it can be difficult for your body to stay healthy and move smoothly. Bones also store calcium and phosphorous, which are important for maintaining strong muscles and preventing fractures, especially later in life when we may start experiencing arthritis and osteoporosis.Your bones grow throughout childhood and younger age. By the age of 30, your bone mass reaches its maximum level.

From there on, the chances of losing bone mass in higher than gains. Hence, you should take care of your bones with proper food and activity. Maximize your bone health at a younger age to stay away from the risk of fracture. Protecting your bones is easy and simple. What you have to do is eat healthily, stay active and other lifestyle changes.

Consume calcium-rich food

Calcium promotes strong bones, so you need to consume calcium-rich food every day to ensure it.

  • Dairy products
  • Add milk, curd, butter, cheese and other dairy products to your diet.

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Leafy vegetables like spinach, fenugreek and broccoli are rich in calcium.

  • Whole grains
  • Ragi is known as one of the best sources of calcium.

  • Sprouts
  • Pulses like green grams, cow peas, and chickpeas can be sprouted.

  • Nuts and oil seeds
  • Almonds, walnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, chai seeds, and flax seeds are good sources of calcium.

Add Vitamin D to your day

You need to take vitamin D daily to make sure you get the calcium you need. The good news is that there are a lot of Vitamin D sources available! We've put together a list below so you'll know where to find easy-to-find vitamin D in your diet

  • Sunlight
  • Cow milk
  • Egg Yolk
  • Mushroom
  • Orange juice
  • Oatmeal

Consult your doctor if you are worried about not getting enough vitamin D

Include magnesium and zinc in your food

Calcium isn’t the only vital nutrient for your bone, magnesium and zinc are also needed. Rich source of zinc includes spinach, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds etc. Here is a list of magnesium-rich food

  • Sunlight
  • Cow milk
  • Egg Yolk
  • Mushroom
  • Orange juice
  • Oatmeal

Stay active

Weight-bearing exercises make your bones strong. If you are not comfortable with that, try the following

  • Running
  • Jogging
  • Walking
  • Climbing the stair
  • Dancing

If you are diagnosed with osteoporosis, consult your doctor for better exercise advice.

Maintain a stable body weight

Did you know that obesity or being overweight can pressure your bones and increase the chances of fracture? This is why it is important to maintain a healthy and stable body weight. On the other hand, low body weight can reduce bone density. Losing or gaining weight repeatedly could affect your bone. Maintain a healthy and stable body weight so that you will stay comfortable for life.

Avoid low-calorie diet

Aim to eat a well-balanced diet that provides 1,200 calories per day. This will help maintain healthy bones and improve bone strength.

Avoid substance abuse

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a loss of bone mineral density, which could make you more vulnerable to osteoporosis. Stop smoking and consuming alcohol today.

Get your bone mineral density tested

Bone mi helps determine the risk of future bone problems like osteoporosis and fracture. It can be done in different ways. For women, it is recommended to get a test within 2 years of menopause.