Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system that disrupts the flow of information within the brain and between the brain and body. Early MS symptoms include weakness, tingling, numbness, pain, fatigue and blurred vision. Women are at a higher risk for MS than men.

Overview and Symptoms

Overview and Symptoms

There is currently no single test to diagnose MS. In order to make a diagnosis, your care team will perform a neurological exam, carefully review your medical history and may perform various other tests, including an MRI, evoked potentials, and spinal fluid analysis.


We provide quality care to help you manage your MS symptoms. Treatments typically focus on helping to speed recovery from attacks, slowing the progression of the disease and taking a multidisciplinary approach to managing MS symptoms. Our Center is actively conducting cutting-edge research and participating in clinical trials designed to control and hopefully cure Multiple Sclerosis.